the memory card in my camera is full and I can't shot any new pictures of my daily life......I must admit that this week has been good...I have found my serenity...inside a little chest full of surprises and warmth.......last night I drank Argentinian wine and watched people dance the tango......my little sweet angel girl wrote well on her exams...cooked lunch for us......all afternoon long I've been studying and learning about all the Latin writers who received a Nobel Prize in literature......
the little man is sleeping over at a friend's house tonight......I baked banana bread and took a loaf to a dear friend who takes loads off my chest......my "cousin" from Israel payed me a skype visit in the morning......I ate ice cream......I saw two friends as I was walking and felt the warmth that wasn't lost after all these winter months of separation...we laughed......I had the luxury of going to the super market together with my Bear......I watched the following video and thought of life...of beautiful...simple...every day shitty life! How grant and amazing it is...the little things that we do and don't take notice of...the feelings...the little nothings that are so important...how we smell...how we touch...how we sence...life! The rain, the sun, the tears, the dust, the sounds, the fear, the tasting, the craving, the smoothness, the dancing steps....the heart beat...the heart beat...the heart beat... ...think of what you're doing this very moment...it's done, it's gone...cherish it! It will never come back to you, live it! It's precious...