...so I decided to make a list of a few of my favorite things...without any significant order...or rhyme....
...something to think about whenever you're down and under....
...when you're having one of "those" days...
....when you feel desperate...to just hang on to something...
...when you need to find and see the real you....
....when you have to love you....
...when things are being demolished, but you tell yourself that I have my two strong shoulders....
....when you look in the mirror and count the "dead bodies" of the battle with time...
...when you need to talk to a friend but the phone isn't answering....
...when you're watching the world behind a glass and thinking that happiness isn't something that you're entitled to...
...when someone kisses you with sour lips that have been dirtied with lies....
.......please make that list....think of all your good qualities...look at your beautiful hair...legs...lips...hands....try to say something out loud and listen to your own voice...love the person who's talking....look deep into your eyes and think that you are not to blame for anything....you are beautiful...you are worth so much...and if you're not important in someone's eyes there's somebody else who thinks that you're the most precious person in his life...
...the Spanish say "dar a luz" which means "giving light"...and the actual translation is "giving birth"....a woman gives light...
....you are you...unique...beautiful..simple..wise...you.....