Thursday, February 11, 2010

Que perezosa!

...when we were young, on New Year's Eve we would go out on the balcony, bang pots and pans with a wooden spoon and scream "Hap-py New Yeeeaaar"!!!! Time Square meant nothing to us and in our eyes nothing seemed bigger than that balcony!.....I was Donny and she was my Marie...we were the "ketchup monsters"....Dawn behind Tony Orlando...something more than confidant for many years.

....we don't live close but the distance between us was never an obstacle....all over my house there are little memories of small or big ways....she's been part of my history. ...thank you for your surprise today....I was touched not only because you thought of me...I was happy because there's no ocean between us.....

...I'm suppose to be working tonight...I have so much work....I have dead lines screaming at me. The bed is still unmade...the clothes are still in the washing machine....the garbage still waiting to be taken of those days of not wanting to do anything....starting something and then leaving it....I'm lying...I baked a broccoli-feta quiche!
...sometimes we need to switch off and do nothing...look at white trash tv...stay in our pj' bread butter and sun dried tomatoes...get on Youtube and watch clips from the '70's...have another cup of coffee..not sew hubby's pants...miss all the appointments of the day.... and make up excuses when the family returns (!!!!) especially when there's no proper dinner!
....we are who we are, and we do so much every day....we give....we support...we handle...we teach...we manage...we tolerate...we learn...we heal...we care...we resurrect every day from our ashes....
...guilt free...I'm looking forward to my next day off!!!!

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