Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hola! little pleasures of today....

...this funny little creature who is ruling our house...who has the shortest memory when it comes to food...who always finds the best spots in the house to sleep...

...and diabetic baklava from Constantinople, fresh, delicious, YUMMY!  (there's a God after all!)...

...outside is raining, we're expecting a storm...
...many things to do around the house...and many exciting things that are coming ahead...
....shhh!  in a while I'll let you in!



Unknown said...

so good to catch up with you, my friend!! the kitty is hilarious! looks right at home. i love that you were able to get some "mothering". just the best.
much love to you

Bea Muñoz said...

Hola Manya!! Thanks for your comment!!
I didn't know your blog, but wow! so lovely!! I also love cooking and baking! my dad was a chef so I guess in my case it's genetic!!!
Well done...putting your titles in sweet!
I follow you from now on! Muchos besos!