Sunday, June 6, 2010


...the Bear and I decided to escape this weekend and go back to the island, just the two of us. No pets nor children....

..unfortunately it rained and rained both days and I had gone with a pair of flip flops and sun tan lotion in my bag!!! I should of had my boots and winter coat with me, instead! The moment we arrived in town I had to look for a shop to buy a pair of shoes...and I ended up with these!

...what can I do? That was the best I could do under the circumstances! spite of the bad weather, it was still beautiful, and we had a fabulous time... American ship was also visiting and so the island was full of young men and women who raided all the souvlaki places!!!

...this is the back of my brother's house where he has built an oven that cooks with wood...

...he baked fresh yummy bread plus a huge pan of "youvetsi" with lamb... night we were invited to some friends' house for dinner, and all the goodies that we had cooked were brought along...

....the youvetsi was a-m-a-z-i-n-g!

...we also watched the fire works from our near by town....

...this morning as I was having breakfast...there was still some drizzling out...but everything was so serene...

...although, we couldn't go to the beach or wear our short sleeved Ts, we still enjoyed ourselves thoroughly...we laughed...ate a lot...drank a bit...but mostly relaxed..., I'm back in Athens, having my sweater on...thinking of our next trip back...feeling good, but very tired...

...have a good week...


Unknown said...

My feet are tapping with anticipation!

Manya said...

Honey, I've already left the keys to the cleaning lady to get the house ready!