Monday, June 28, 2010

Es un amante para mi...

...I hate saying "good bye" to things I love even if it's temporary.. ...every year after my last Spanish lesson it feels as if I'm parting from a heart feels sad and starts counting time until our next encounter...
...again I had to say "good bye" this morning to my house...when I say "my house" I'm talking about the house on the island... for me it's the only place where I feel at home...get in touch with my emotions...feel my parent's return to the womb...
...I had to say "good bye" to the full the the distinctive essence of the earth... isn't an easy life there...everything has its difficulty...climbing down 132 steps, to our favorite beach...and then having to climb up the same 132, under the hot sun...(especially pregnant...wondering how can Madonna sing and dance at the same time without loosing her breath!)

...the road, though, is so beautiful that makes you forget the struggle...
...especially when you know that soon you'll be swimming in the crystal clear water... will be stretching out on your towel...listening to the sweet sound of the waves...
...sipping your iced coffee or mojito....
...reading your book or taking a nap....
...exactly what life is all about....sweet and sour..
....the little girl was there too...she felt right at home...she became part of nature...of the sea...of our customs...
...pure happiness in the house...her creativity...her laughter...

...te quiero...

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