...I wish you all a happy and creative weekend....
...when they're young they're stuck on you...they follow you around...they sit on you...sleep next to you...come to the bathroom with you...follow you in every room...
...after school you wait for them with the food ready...you all sit around the kitchen table...listen to them talking of their school...their friends...their studies...
...there comes one day, though, when you realize that you have been eating standing up a piece of toast and cheese...for lunch...alone...and this has been happening for many days in a row...
...to them it means nothing...to me is change...big change...they're growing up...they're too busy...it's their friends...their work...their interests...they're getting ready to fly...
...that's how it should be...they're not mine...they belong to themselves...they should spread their wings...take each opportunity....search...discover...experiment....it's their time now...
....this morning my angel girl poached some eggs for me...and miraculously her brother joined us...we all sat around our table, just like last year and the year before that....we talked...laughed...felt the same feelings as before...our magic was still there, it hadn't been lost...
...of course, the phone rang...someone turned on his computer...the cat needed to be fed...all of a sudden I looked at the table and it was empty...the dirty dishes and what was left of our food were there to remind me that not too long ago I had a beautiful Sunday morning...that nothing was lost...and somewhere in the back of my head something told me that there will be more of this in the future...not often...but again...for sure.
....the weather out is quite lovely...no need for a sweater...flowers in balconies, in full bloom...sidewalks with people walking...time for babies to get baptized...outdoor birthday parties...store windows in bright colors...
...I baked a cake...dreamed of honesty...wished for understanding...
...there are days to look forward to...new places to see...friends that I have missed...
...I need to be more sympathetic to my pancreas...I have been violating every rule...I have declared war with food again...
...time for a glass of wine and some good music...
....for the next 2 days I'll be working non stop on a new project...I'm looking forward to challenging my creativity...
...although Bear is leaving again, I have good things coming my way soon...it's not time to tell yet...
...changes are hard but changes are good...some are small earthquakes some others big...
...my little girl, with Julia Child's guidance, cooked a delicious meal for us...she gave me a book as a present...she wrote something beautiful inside...she described me as the mother that I wish I was...her eyes see differently than what my guilt says...I love you my angel girl...my gift...my hope...
...maybe sometimes we're not all that wrong...
...this was nature's gift to me this morning... ...this is from the night before...sins...sins...and more sins...
...for a few days I wasn't able to post...too much to do...too many places to visit...but I gathered my moments and now it's time to tell....
HOLY THURSDAY... ...I was expecting the Bear and the sweet little man to come at night...early in the morning, though, there was a knock on the door...my two beautiful smiles had arrived!
...peaceful moments at our favorite internet cafe...