Monday, January 31, 2011

...he sido tan feliz contigo...


...when I opened my eyes this morning I looked at this and thought, it's time to say
once again, "good by" to my Spain... much as I love the airport coming in, I hate it when it's time to fly out..
...I want to buy the silliest things, for to bring back with me, as much of Spain as possible...I speak the last words of Spanish...I save my last empty glass water bottle, that soon will turn into a vase...I want to tie myself around a pole so I can't leave...
...why do I love this country so much?  I don't know... nations we seem to have many similarities...but they're different and I love this difference...
...I love Spain because of the music, the language, the people, their friendliness, their style, their way of living...the architecture...I just love Spain...

...I'm going to miss Spain...

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...hasta luego...

~ ~ ~ ~

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How could you not miss this beautiful country? Fabulous last picture, my friend!
We have spoken with Lauren, she was so glad to get your call and can't wait to meet you. So far, she is having a grand adventure....just like you said.
much love,