Sunday, November 14, 2010

Un dia a lado de mis dos...

....election day on the island...

...we took a day trip...

...the boat left at 7:30am with the Bear, the Angel girl and pets, no baggages... of the candidates who was running was a cousin of mine...well, one of my cousins...
...ok so we're all related one way or the other on this island....everybody is cousin!!!

**** was a sunny day...

...I have never taken you inside my village...'s old...both my parents were born here..'s very smells of jasmin, lemon and roses...

...I had my luvies in front and I was following behind, admiring and inhaling...

* * * * aunt's house...

...these are the flowers of another aunt...
...ever since I remember, each time we would pass by her house we would yell "ooo-ooo"
and she would answer "ooo-ooo", from inside!

...on our way to the village square...

...the orange trees were full of oranges...

...everything is so quaint and so familiar to me...
...I have walked this road barefoot in the summer when I was little, got wet from playing in the little stream...

...played  cops and robbers...

* * * *
...our school...

...this is where we voted...

...the school that my parents and my brother attended... many generations have played here... parent's, my brother's, mine, my children's...and even now, whenever you pass by, you still hear children's voices laughing...

...inside time has stopped...

...the principle's office...

...there are only two classrooms for all 6 grades... dad's teacher was a priest... brother still remembers with admiration a husband and a wife team who came to teach... mom first fell in love here...

* * * *
...across the street my friend Andriana inherited her grandmother's tiny house that she renovated and turned it into the cutest little nest...

...on our way back home...

....we found Frango picking oranges...

...she's the sweetest thing...every September she gives me a jar of jam that she makes especially for me...

...the weather was absolutely made our walk back home pleasurable...

...we ended up at my brother's...'s my lovely sister in law, preparing tapas for our drinks...

...some friends came over and we had wine and ouzo...did I mention that the weather was lovely??!!!

...well, after a few was time for us to leave...
...sadly we kissed everybody "good bye" and left...

...this little lady here was the star of the show...

...the results of the elections are cousin unfortunately didn't win..but we do thank him for giving us the opportunity to escape from the city...

....have a wonderful week...

~ ~ ~ ~


lucylucia said...

What a LOVELY town!! How amazing that you grew up there and can always go back to visit!

Manya said...

Yes, it's an amazing place, with many memories. No matter where I go this will always be home for me.

Unknown said...

beautiful, beautiful tour, my friend!! We also have oranges ripening and I have two yellow hibiscus flowers left on my bush!! Alas, no tapas and outdoor eating. I'll have to come there for that treat!

Manya said...

My darling Lynn, I have already set the table for you!

Micki Bays said...

It was so nice to see Stenies again..I will have to make sure Mosha gets to see your pictures.Irene looks wonderful!