Monday, July 26, 2010

Las lagrimas...

...I was having a chat with a friend when I noticed the "neighbors" across from us...they had come out with their babies...their clothes, bottles, strollers...feeding them, putting them down for a nap, changing their diapers...not noticing the people walking by...or me, who was  staring...seeing myself in them...

....many years back, that seem like yesterday...I was one of them...
...maybe in a more wild version...I was always accompanied by my scooter, a stick and a whistle....! 

...I sometimes feel a sadness when I look at old pictures...I see the ones who are no longer sitting at the table with me...I see the innocence...I see the clean face without any history carved on it...I look at her thinking "if you only knew then..."

....the time when we were still Angels before life corrupted us...the time when we could put our baby in a box, after getting bored with it,  along with all the junk that we had collected....when we were a teacher for a day, a stewardess the next,  or even both at the same time...the time when somebody else had prepared our dinner, washed our clothes, done our bed...the time when there was a hug and a kiss for all our pains... just stopped raining outside and I smell the soil...everything seems cleaner and brighter...the dirt has been washed away...the lights at the stores look brighter... slowly the pedestrians are increasing...the music is smells good too...I see some friends...I'm in the mood for some apple pie....but I also want to look for a sun dress...

...I'm going for a walk, it's still early...

1 comment:

Allison said...

beautiful words Manya.